Sukh asana Or Easy Pose


Sukhāsana is like sitting comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed. It's an important pose in yoga because it helps us feel calm and peaceful. When we sit in Sukhāsana, we can relax our body and mind, making it easier to meditate or just take a moment to breathe deeply. It's a pose that anyone can try, no matter their level of experience in yoga. Sukhāsana teaches us to find stillness and balance within ourselves, which is really helpful in our busy lives

 With following steps we can do sukhasana 

  1. Sit on the floor or on a firm cushion with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Cross your shins, widening your knees and bringing each foot beneath the opposite knee.
  3. Keep your spine straight, lengthening from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.
  4. put your hands on your knees , palms facing down or up, as comfortable.
  5. Relax your shoulders down and back, without slouching or straining.
  6. Close your eyes , and focus on your breath or any meditation object.

    Sukhasana is great for stretching the knees, ankles, and hips, promoting flexibility and calming the mind. It's accessible to most people, but if you have any knee or hip injuries, you might want to modify the posture or use additional props like cushions to support your body.



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